SHAPE Reclaimed Benefits: Reduce inflammation; Enhance immune function; Detox and Cleanse; Enhance Metabolism; Safely release excess toxic weight; Decrease pain; Improve digestion; increase energy, Improve sleep; Decrease or eliminate RX dependency (with Practitioner Supervision); Improve blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids; Improve mood and mental clarity; Create and maintain a healthy relationship with food.
SHAPE ReClaimed Features: Lifestyle modification - health restoration program; Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Nutritional Plan; SHAPE ReClaimed Nanomolecular Formula; The Complete Patient Guidebook; Consistent monitoring appointments for urine evaluation; Patient education tab at SHAPE Reclaimed website; Access to Facebook "Official Shape Reclaimed support group; Safe, affordable and sustainable lifestyle that supports healthy weight.
SHAPE ReClaimed Program Incudes: Initial Consult and Evaluation for SHAPE; Discussing your "Why" for choosing SHAPE; Customizing the program based on your health history, progress, symptoms and laboratory results; Regular Monitoring, which is important to your Long-Term success.
Disclaimer: Independent SHAPE Practitioner's Website is not owned or operated by SHAPE ReClaimed. Any content outside SHAPE ReClaimed webpage is not acknowledgement or expressed position of SHAPE ReClaimed.
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